BTS’ Agency Refutes Claims of Downplaying SUGA’s Drunk Driving Incident


BIGHIT MUSIC, the agency representing BTS, has denied allegations that they intentionally downplayed the drunk driving incident involving member SUGA.

On August 8, BIGHIT MUSIC released a follow-up statement, explaining the situation and apologizing for relaying misinformation in haste.

In a follow-up apology, BIGHIT MUSIC took responsibility for the handling of BTS’ SUGA incident. They acknowledged mistakes in the initial response, admitting that they had acted hastily and unclearly, leading to confusion.

Regarding the Use of Term ‘Electric Kickboard’

Regarding the use of the term ‘electric kickboard’, the label shared, “We determined that the vehicle used by the artist was a kickboard with a seat attached to it, so we described it as an “electric kickboard.” In the process of checking further, we learned that the categorization of the vehicle may differ based on its specifications and capabilities, and we also learned that the scope of liability for the accident could also change.”

Previously, netizens claimed that the agency downplayed the incident by using the term ‘electric kickboard’, “We had no intention of downplaying the incident, as some are saying we did. We apologize once again for hastily making a first statement without reviewing the incident more carefully.”

BIGHIT MUSIC vowed to take full responsibility once the investigative authorities decided on the categorization of the vehicle in question.

Regarding the Imposition of a Fine and SUGA’s License Revocation

The agency revealed being unaware of the investigative procedures besides the breathalyzer agency, “Both our agency and the artist did not realize that there were still steps remaining to be taken in the investigative procedures, and we mistakenly thought that the case in question had been closed.”

They apologized for spreading misinformation in the first statement, “In light of the severity of the case, we apologize for having conveyed misinformation due to internal communication errors.”

SUGA aka Min Yoongi was charged with drunk driving by Yongsan Police Station on August 7 for operating an electric scooter while intoxicated, with a blood alcohol level exceeding 0.08%. This offense can lead to license revocation. However, the punishment varies depending on the type of vehicle. If it’s a personal mobility device (PM), he’ll face a fine, but if it’s not a PM, he’ll face criminal charges. 

The National Police Agency’s Traffic Safety Division clarified that PMs have a maximum speed of less than 25 km/h and weigh under 30 kg. SUGA admitted to driving an “electric kickboard,” but the exact type of device and whether it’s PM-certified remain unclear, fueling speculation that the incident is being downplayed.

Lastly, this drunk driving incident will not have any effect on his military service since it happened outside of working hours, as confirmed by military officials.

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