Cignature and EVERGLOW Comeback Showcases Upstaged by INB100’s Emergency Press Conference

Cignature and EVERGLOW

As reporters rushed to cover the urgent developments at the INB100 Emergency Press Conference, the highly anticipated comebacks of Cignature and EVERGLOW were unfortunately overshadowed.

INB100, the agency of EXO-CBX, held an urgent press conference at the Shilla Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of June 10, accusing SM Entertainment of not honoring the terms of the agreement.

On June 10, INB100 announced at 8:55 AM that an emergency press conference was scheduled for 4 PM.

Just half an hour before the press conference commenced, the venue was already bustling with reporters, filling about half of the space. Many reporters even skipped other artists’ showcases to be present at the conference.

On the day of the CBX press conference, Cignature had a showcase at 2 PM to mark the launch of their fifth EP Sweetie but Saltie. Concurrently, at 4 PM, EVERGLOW held a showcase for their fifth single album ZOMBIE.

Both Cignature and EVERGLOW made their comeback after a 10-month hiatus. However, due to the unexpected press conference by CBX that day, many reporters had to decide which event to cover.

The showcase for Cignature took place at 2 PM, but since it was approximately 30 minutes away from the emergency press conference venue, numerous reporters had to abandon their original plans. 

The impact of the CBX press conference on the EVERGLOW comeback showcase, whose event coincided in timing, was even more significant.

During the press briefing, which lasted around an hour, most of the time was dedicated to making position announcements repeatedly. The reporters’ Q&A session only lasted about 20 minutes.

Reporters present at the press conference mentioned that their questions were not sufficiently answered. Even after the host said, many reporters continued to raise their hands. 

Netizens are criticizing CBX for poorly scheduling the conflict and not considering the comeback showcases of other artists.

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