CRAVITY’s Jungmo and Wonjin Nearly Lock Lips in Steamy Radio Segment

Jungmo and Wonjin from CRAVITY

Warning: the following content may cause excessive blushing, squealing, and CRAVITY fanboy/girl moments! 

More recently, CRAVITY’s Jungmo and Wonjin took on the classic Korean Pepero game challenge on Idol Radio, a live broadcast watched by fans in real-time. 

The rules are simple: share a Pepero stick and take turns biting off pieces until one person is left with the shortest bit.

Jungmo made a bold move, wrapping his hand around Wonjin’s face and leaning in close. Wonjin even closed his eyes, surrendering to the moment. Just as it seemed like they were about to share a kiss, Jungmo cleverly inserted his thumb between their lips, narrowly avoiding a real lip lock. The close call left Jungmo mortified, and he quickly turned away to face the wall. 

Afterward, Wonjin took to Dear. U Bubble to address the near-kiss moment. He shared that the two were too awkward and embarrassed to speak to each other for a whole day. 

Despite their awkwardness, fans loved the playful moment between the two.

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