Baekhyun Dozed Off During Twitter Space

Baekhyun exo

EXO’s Baekhyun is known for his incredible talent, stunning visuals, and boundless energy. But during a recent Twitter Space, fans were surprised to see the K-pop star take a nap during the live broadcast.

The incident occurred during a Twitter Space hosted by Baekhyun on July 31st. Fans were eagerly tuning in to hear the EXO member chat about his latest music and upcoming projects. But as the broadcast went on, fans noticed that Baekhyun had become increasingly quiet.

Eventually, it became clear that Baekhyun had fallen asleep during the broadcast. Fans were initially concerned, wondering if the star was feeling unwell or overworked. But as they watched, they couldn’t help but find the situation amusing.

The incident quickly went viral on social media, with fans sharing memes and jokes about Baekhyun’s unexpected nap. Many fans praised the star for his dedication to his work, noting that he must be incredibly tired to fall asleep during a live broadcast.

As soon as he realized that he slept while the Twitter Space was on, he immediately asked if he snored. Despite the jokes and memes, fans were quick to show their support for the star, sending him messages of love and encouragement. Also, fans shared audio clips, sharing that Baekhyun makes ‘puppy noises’ when he sleeps. Some EXO-Ls wrote he is meditating. 

Baekhyun took a nap for about an hour, however, dedicated fans did not leave the Twitter Space and waited for him to wake up. In the meantime, the incident has become a lighthearted moment in the world of K-pop, showcasing the humor and dedication of fans around the world.

As K-pop continues to grow in popularity, moments like this remind us of the power of music to bring people together. Whether it’s through a Twitter Space or a live concert, K-pop stars like Baekhyun are inspiring fans around the world with their talent, dedication, and boundless energy.

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