Jessi Leaves Jay Park’s agency MORE VISION

Jay Park and Jessi

Jessi and Jay Park’s agency, MORE VISION, ended their partnership in less than a year.

On January 31, MORE VISION announced, “We have decided to terminate the exclusive contract with Jessi under mutual agreement as of January 31, 2024.” 

The agency stated that they will always support Jessi and her future activities despite the contract being terminated. 

Jessie had initially joined P NATION, PSY’s agency, but she later signed an exclusive contract with MORE VISION, led by Jay Park, in April of the previous year.

However, towards the end of last year, rumors started circulating about a potential disagreement and contract termination between Jay Park and Jessi at MORE VISION.

In October, when she was promoting Gum, she had a scheduled appearance on KBS 2TV’s ‘Music Bank’. Unfortunately, it was unexpectedly canceled due to his poor physical condition. However, there were rumors circulating that Jessie, who was reportedly having a disagreement with her agency, unilaterally chose not to participate.

In December, there was a report that she wanted to end her contract with MORE VISION. The rumors of a discord between them were getting stronger. Both Jessie and Jay Park denied it on social media. Jessi said, “That’s nonsense. Everything is fine,” and Jay Park reassured everyone, saying, “Our relationship is good, no conflict.” They even posted a photo together.

In the end, Jessi did end up parting ways with MORE VISION.

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