Montage of Thief Who Stole Safe from Goo Hara’s Home Following Her Death Released

a theif breaking into goo hara's home

In a shocking turn of events, it was revealed that a thief broke into Goo Hara’s home shortly after her death, stealing a safe. A montage of the suspect has now been released.

The TV show I Want to Know That on SBS investigated the theft of Goo Hara’s safe on June 22. After her passing, someone tried to break into her home in Seoul, attempting to guess the password on her digital door lock multiple times. However, the lock had a heat sensor and was digitally secured.

Additionally, Goo Hara’s brother, Goo Ho In, had changed the password shortly after her death.

The thief, unable to enter through the front door, likely gained access through a second-floor iron door, bypassing the CCTV camera. 

Notably, despite several valuable items being available in her apartment, the thief only took the safe, suggesting that it was not a random burglary. 

Additionally, the fact that they didn’t use the quickest escape route (the front door) raises suspicions. It points out that the perpetrator may not have been an ordinary thief, and he did not steal the safe for financial gain.

Her brother Go Ho In revealed that he was accused of stealing the safe as many people speculated that it had material related to Burning Sun.

He shared that the safe was empty because he had already cleared out its contents before the theft occurred. 

Goo Hara’s attorney also suggested reopening the safe case whether or not it has any connection to Burning Sun.

The I Want to Know That team concluded that the person responsible for stealing the safe was probably not directly linked but was a member of a delivery or service company. They also shared a montage of the criminal created by a specialist in montages. 

According to experts’ analysis, the suspect is estimated to be approximately 170cm tall, possessing a slender and fit build, aged between late 20s to early to mid-30s, wore an earring on the left ear, and likely required glasses or contact lenses for nearsightedness.

Lastly, Goo Hara passed away on November 23, 2019, and was a major contributor to bringing the Burning Sun victim to justice.

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