Netflix’s ‘Chicken Nugget’ Faces Backlash For Disrespecting Saudi Royal Family, Receives 4.9 IMDb Rating

Chicken Nugget

Netflix’s original series Chicken Nugget stirred up a controversy for disrespecting the Saudi royal family.

Chicken Nugget garnered an unusually low 4.9 rating on IMDb, the renowned movie database. Out of the nearly 4,100 individuals who rated the show, approximately 3,100 were from Saudi Arabia. An overwhelming 99.4% of them rated the show with a score of 1.

It is believed that episode 10 of Chicken Nugget  sparked the fury of Saudi Arabian viewers. In the show, the main character, Baek Joong (portrayed by Ahn Jae-hong), achieves fame as World Star Yellow Pants. 

When the Saudi Crown Prince and his wife request tickets, he questions, “Who in this world asks for such a favor these days?” and instructs, “Give them the back-row seats.”

The anger from Saudi Arabian viewers is believed to have led to the significant drop in ratings after viewing that particular scene.

Last year, there was another instance of controversy surrounding the portrayal of Islamic culture. JTBC’s King the Land faced backlash for portraying an Arab prince as a playboy and including scenes of drinking, activities prohibited under Islamic law.

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