NU’EST’s Aaron Faces Backlash Over Pricey Fan Meeting

NU'EST Aaron fanmeeting

Aaron from the group NU’EST has stirred up controversy with his super pricey fan meeting.

On February 29, Aaron announced a fan meeting to show his appreciation for the fans who have supported him for the past 12 years.

He is inviting fans to join him on his campus from April 19, 2024, for a three-day, two-night fan meeting full of excitement and unforgettable spring memories. 

It’s going be a 3-day, 2-night trip where he’ll be hanging out with 300 lucky fans. The cost per person is 990,000 won, which includes chartered buses, resort accommodation (4 people per room), photo time, sports day, party, live broadcast, video conference, travel insurance, and round-trip transportation expenses.

There’s been some backlash about the cost of Aaron’s fan meeting. Some people think that the price of 990,000 Won for a big group of 300 fans is too high.

Concert prices have been increasing lately, with tickets ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 won for just a 2-3 hour show. So, when compared to Aaron’s fan meeting, which includes 3 days and 2 nights of fun, some people think that 990,000 won is pretty reasonable. 

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