PSY to Refund Nearly 4.2 Billion Won After ‘Summer Swag’ Concert Gets Canceled


PSY was forced to cancel his highly anticipated ‘Summer Swag’ concert due to inclement weather on July 20.

The concert was abruptly canceled at the last minute due to the bad weather forecast and to ensure the safety of the audience.

PSY regretfully shut down his highly anticipated ‘Soaked Show’ concert at Seoul Grand Park just one hour after the event began. The Gangnam Style had to make the difficult choice as heavy rain, lightning, and strong winds were threatening the safety of the crowd and staff.

With this abrupt cancellation, he has to refund a whopping 4.2 billion won in ticket sales.

On the day of the concert, a crowd of approximately 25,000 fans gathered at the venue, each having paid an average of 170,000 won per ticket. As a result, the total refund amount tallies up to around 4.2 billion won. 

However, fans have the option to forego the refund and instead attend a rescheduled concert at a later date. PSY has generously offered to absorb all costs associated with the cancellation, including full refunds, venue rental fees, and staff labor costs.

Lastly, while sharing the news of the cancellation on his social media, PSY shared that he has never experienced such unpredictable and dangerous weather conditions in his 24-year career.

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