Seungkwan and Vernon’s Hilarious Banter on Weverse Had CARATs in Stitches

seungkwan and vernon

Seungkwan and Vernon, the dynamic duo of SEVENTEEN, recently had CARATs in fits of laughter with their hilarious exchange on Weverse. The playful interaction between these two talented members showed off their incredible sense of humor and wit. 

The banter began when Seungkwan posted on the  Weverse platform expressing ‘CARATs, you worked hard today! I went out for a night walk, and it was drizzling a bit. The Fighting singer further said ‘The rain was hitting me gently, but it made me feel healed.’ He concluded his Weverse post with a ‘Good Night’ and a question if there is someone who likes getting rained on like him.

While many CARATs liked and commented on the SEVENTEEN member’s post on the walk in the rain, they could not help but notice his bandmate Vernon’s effortlessly funny remark. His hilarious comment grabbed everyone’s attention and was shared widely on social media platforms.

Sticking to his witty style, Vernon left an effortlessly funny remark under Seungkwan’s post. He commented ‘There are fine dust/pollutants in the air.’ CARATs were quick to join in on the fun, flooding the comments section with laughter and appreciation for the playful exchange.

Vernon never fails to impress CARATs with his witty remarks and playful grammar corrections. Seungkwan and Vernon’s hilarious Weverse exchange is just another example of the delightful personalities that make SEVENTEEN such a beloved group.

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