Zico Mother’s Old Post on His Aggressive Behavior Towards His Girlfriend Resurfaces

a photo of old post of Zico's mom

More recently, a hard-hitting new documentary from the BBC’s investigative team lifted the lid on the shocking events that sent shockwaves through the K-Pop world in 2019.

As a result, many artists associated with the convicts of Burning Scandal are facing massive backlash and boycotts from fans. 

Zico has also come under fire for his link to convicted rapist Jung Joon Young in the midst of this new surge of criticism.

 In the latest development, an old post of his mother is doing rounds on social media. The past post hints at his violent behavior towards his high-school girlfriend.

In the post, his mother seems to address his teacher saying, “Not long ago, I heard he sworn at his girlfriend, who is the top student at school (according to Jiho [Zico’s real name), She’a b*tch.”

She further shared, “The teacher caught him acting out with this characteristic temper, homeroom teacher-nim seemed hurt by that incident. Seems like he still has to vent his rage more.”

His mother then revealed what Zico said, “Teacher-nim, I was wrong, but isn’t it a good thing that I served that b*tch right.”

Zico’s 2016 comment about Jung’s ‘golden phone’ for Kakaotalk raised eyebrows. Netizens suspect he knew about Jung’s illegal activities, as the phone was allegedly used for sharing explicit content.

Zico’s earlier remarks about the ‘golden phone’ came back to haunt him when the Burning Sun Scandal broke, but he maintained a strong denial of any involvement or knowledge of Jung Joon Young’s criminal activities.

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