ATTRAKT Secures FIFTY FIFTY Trademark Rights in 31 Countries


ATTRAKT, which represents the girl group FIFTY FIFTY, has successfully acquired the rights to the FIFTY FIFTY trademark, becoming its legal owner.

The agency has successfully registered the FIFTY FIFTY trademark in over 30 countries worldwide, including South Korea, China, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and all 27 member states of the European Union.

Following a year-long process, the official registration was completed in South Korea on May 24. ATTRAKT’s application to acquire trademark rights for the group’s name was submitted in May of last year.

A dispute over trademark rights erupted in June 2023 between ATTRAKT and three former members of the group, Sio, Aran, and Saena. Both sides engaged in a fierce legal battle, each arguing their case for ownership of the group’s name. However, the patent offices in multiple countries, including South Korea, ultimately ruled in favor of the agency.

ATTRAKT filed trademark applications in China and the UK on July 5, 2023, and successfully registered the trademark on January 7, 2024, and November 24, 2023, respectively. Additionally, the agency secured registration in the European Union on February 28, 2024, and most recently, in Taiwan.

Furthermore, they have filed trademark applications in the United States, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia, which are currently undergoing examination. It is widely believed that Keena’s return to the agency significantly contributed to the agency’s successful acquisition of trademark rights in most countries, including South Korea.

Lastly, FIFTY FIFTY, now a five-member group led by Keena, is set to make a comeback in September. ATTRAKT is taking the three former members to court in August, demanding a whopping 13 billion won in damages.

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