ENHYPEN Members’ Privacy Violated as Sasaeng Fans Steal Personal Info and Alter Flight Seats


ENHYPEN members have reportedly had their personal information stolen by sasaeng fans. These fans went so far as to assign flight seats using the members’ names during their recent journey back to Korea. 

As reported by Xports News on September 5, ENHYPEN members faced harassment from extreme sasaeng fans during their return from China on September 4. 

The fans illegally obtained flight information, registered with the airline without authorization, and assigned seats without consent. They also intentionally blocked seat changes to force members into specific seats.

ENHYPEN tried to change flights to avoid the situation, but some members were unable to assign seats due to the fans’ interference.

An investigation by Air China revealed that sasaeng fans had illegally used ENHYPEN members’ personal information to subscribe to airline memberships. The fans also registered contact information with a Chinese phone number and deliberately blocked seat selection.

As a result, ENHYPEN members were forced to verify their identities in person at the airport and change their seats.

This is not the first instance where the members have experienced a privacy invasion. They have been repeatedly mobbed by fans at the airport and have their seats reassigned by sasaengs so that they can sit close to them and take photos without consent.

Previously, a sasaeng shared photos of Jake sleeping on the flight, which sparked massive backlash from fans. 

Many HYBE idols have faced similar situations where sasaeng fans not only assigned their seats but also switched their in-flight meals.

Despite HYBE’s efforts to crack down on the illegal trade of flight ticket information, sasaeng fans continue to cause damage. HYBE had previously warned of strong action against such behavior and submitted evidence to the police after identifying accounts sharing flight info online. 

However, sasaeng fans are still obtaining and misusing this information, even going so far as to change TXT’s in-flight meals without consent.

The situation with ENHYPEN highlights the severe consequences of these actions, which constitute criminal offenses

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