aespa Karina and Lee Jaewook’s Relationship Makes Fans Reconsider Their Ideal Type Preferences

aespa karina and lee jaewook dating

It’s undeniable that aespa Karina and actor Lee Jae-wook make a perfect couple. As their relationship becomes public, people can’t help but revisit their previous remarks about their ideal types.

Karina and Lee Jaewook truly complement each other and fit each other’s ideal types perfectly.

Before her debut, Karina took to her personal social media channels to share her ideal type. She described her perfect match as someone with black hair, a charming smile, large hands and feet, standing over 180cm tall, a non-smoker, and someone who looks great in blue and carries themselves with politeness.

According to a famous search portal site, Lee Jaewook is a tall guy, standing at 187 cm. Plus, he has maintained his signature black hair since his debut. He is known for having hands and feet that are as big as his height. More recently, he rocked the color blue like no other. Lee Jaewook chose to wear blue for a recent production presentation of Disney+’s The Impossible Heir.

It seems like Lee Jaewook’s ideal type aligns perfectly with Karina’s qualities. In a magazine interview, he mentioned that he looks for a clear, bright, and positive woman who can support and guide him in a good direction.

In another interview, he emphasized the importance of getting along well, being positive, and having a love for one’s work.

Despite her somewhat cool exterior, Karina has a warm and friendly personality. She’s not only the leader of aespa, but she also takes great care of her members. Karina’s positive attitude and leadership skills help guide the team in a positive direction.

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