“Earth Arcade,” a popular variety show on tvN, will return with its third season in April. The show’s cast, including Lee Eun Ji, Lee Young Ji, Oh My Girl’s Mimi, and IVE’s An Yujin, will embark on new adventures.
On January 2, OSEN reported that the “Earth Arcade” is coming back for a third season, with a target premiere date in April, reports OSEN.
The show is produced by renowned producers Na Young Suk and Park Hyun Yong. Seasons 1 and 2 received positive reviews for their unique blend of action, adventure, and humor.
In response to the OSEN report, a tvN official stated, “The broadcast schedule is still undecided.”
The show premiered in 2022 and garnered a huge following among MZ viewers. They were attracted by the cast of popular young stars such as Lee Young Ji, An Yujin, Lee Eun Ji, and Mimi.
What stood out was how the cast members’ infectious energy would often catch the production staff off guard. They have given viewers some genuinely hilarious moments. It’s no surprise that after a fantastic first season in 2022, the show’s second season in 2023 wrapped up on a high note.
Previously, tvN announced “Earth Arcade” Season 3 as part of its 2025 entertainment lineup. Although initial reports hinted at a premiere within the first half of the year, the exact date is not yet confirmed. However, OSEN has announced that the show will officially debut in April, and audiences can look forward to its return.
More details about “Earth Arcade 3” will be announced soon.